Lebanon, its population, its institutions, and its existence are in imminent danger.
Despite this, so many families epitomise humility and perseverance. Their silence was enough to bring anyone to tears, as do their words of love and thanks, especially for the people of Australia, who are helping them continue to feed and clothe their children. This is particularly with thanks to the generosity of our Australian Maronite communities through the Lebanese Family Appeal.
Please keep our homeland and its people in your continued prayer. You can also help by supporting our Eparchy’s Lebanese Family Appeal.
Sponsoring a Lebanese family in need for fifty dollars a month or $600 per year helps provide basic necessities.

your word promises that you will refresh the weary, your truth nourishes our hearts, and your love revitalises us when circumstances threaten to dry out our faith.
saturate us with your presence, pour your peace into every fibre of our being until we radiate with resilience.
We praise you.
In Jesus’s name,